
Irey Perez

When Irey (pronounced Ireee) was born she was a normal smiley baby gees goos and all. She had a small eye at birth and we knew she had agenesis of the corpus collosum (brains communication highway was missing)We went in for her to be fitted for a conformer (lense to push out eye lid)and while in the recovery area she had her first seizure while she was nursing and that started or journey of the Aicardi Syndrome ( world of the unknown). Since her first seizure she has not had one day seizure free as a matter of fact one a day turned into over a hundred a day of clusters of partial seizures tonic-clonic and infantile spasm mix (NO JOKE) the clusters vary in length from 5min to an hour. She has been on over 7 med and rejected every one from kepra, topamax to adivan and clorazepate nothing has helped and been hospitalized 4x. She is a great baby though and suprises me all the time a baby they have told me would be legally blind now responds to light it's great 🙂 She has a older brother(5) that loves her so much despite all her problems he really helps me be strong through all this.

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